Art and Design
Curriculum Aims
Wisdom - Our children will have the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
Independence - Our children will think critically and seek to develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design.
Creativity - Our children will produce creative pieces, explore ideas and record their experiences.
Kindness - Our children will know about great artists, craft makers, designers and understand the historical and cultural development of different art forms.
Art and Design Across our School, from Early Years to Year 6
At Newick, we encourage a sketchbook approach and put as much emphasis on the artistic process as the outcome. Our children's creative journey is the most important part of every Art project we teach, and each child's sketchbook is unique, personal to them, and reflective of their individual responses, ideas and experience. Please see some photos below of some finished outcomes, but just as importantly, some examples of our sketchbooks and the explorative process we took to get to our finished pieces.
Art & Design Across our School
Progression and Curriculum Documents
Art & Design Progression Map 2023-2024
Early Years Art and Design Curriculum Map
Colour Theory Lessons at Newick
Art & Design and Design and Technology Curriculum Overview
At Newick, we use resources from Access Art to inform and guide our Art and Design teaching. This provides high quality resources and ideas, enabling teachers to deliver a sequence of Art and Design lessons which take children through an artistic journey of learning, whilst ensuring a clear progression of skills and knowledge in the subject.
Early Years
Within Early Years, opportunities for art to be explored through child-initiated activities are evident through the continuous provision provided. Key vocabulary and techniques are modelled by staff, to embed these concepts. Activities are planned to identify key skills and to make cross-curricular links where appropriate. Staff ensure that their interactions and questions support the child’s individual development and progression through their creative activities.
Ongoing opportunities for children to explore and revisit their learning is at the centre of the Early Years provision and ensures that art is seen as a creative way of expressing their ideas, thoughts and understanding of other curricular subjects. Children's artwork is displayed around the learning environment, and conversations are encouraged by staff both peer to peer about their creations, and between the children and staff.
In KS1 children continue their exploration of a range of materials and mediums. Children are able to use different materials to create sculptures, with cross curricular inspiration. Children draw and paint using paintbrush and pencil skills. The children are encouraged to develop their skills, begin to consider their creative decisions, and share their ideas with others. Children investigate different art and design techniques using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.
Children learn to look at the work of Artists, Craft Makers and Designers and describe what they see. They begin to observe and talk about similarities and differences between the work of an Artist, Craft Maker and Designer and their own work.
In lower KS2, children use a sketchbook to record observations of their artwork and the work of different Artists. The children use different art and design techniques with increasing confidence, including drawing, painting and sculpting with different materials (i.e. pencil, paint, clay). Children begin to refine their skills, can practise and apply control when using different apparatus and explore different materials, showing creativity. Children move towards researching the work of great, historic Artists, Architects and Designers and recording their findings. Children evaluate their own work and record what went well and what could be improved.
In upper KS2, the children can record complex observations of their work and a range of Artists and present them in a unique way. Children continue to practise and apply their art and design techniques, but move towards also improving their work, including drawing, painting and sculpting with different materials (i.e. pencil, paint, clay, charcoal). Children apply and develop their control when using different apparatus and reflect on their technique. By the end of KS2 pupils at Newick will be exploring and experimenting with a range of materials, using imagination and creativity.
When learning about great and historic Artists, Architects and Designers the children move towards recording their findings in greater detail and making intricate observations. Children evaluate and analyse the work of historic Artists using the vocabulary and language of Art and Design. By the end of KS2 the children can compare their work to that of Artists and Designers and record their experiences and the creative process they have taken.
To find out more about Access Art please click on the below link:
Artists, Craft Makers and Designers that our children cover through our Art and Design curriculum:
Year 1 – Alma Thomas, Andy Warhol
Year 2 – Arlene Bandes
Year 3 – Antoni Gaudi
Year 4 – Henri Matisse, Laurie Hastings
Year 5 – Joan Miro
Year 6 – Rembrandt, Frida Kahlo
A Whole School Arts Week
In May, we came together as a school to focus on The Arts for a week. We had a central theme of 'Around the World', and each year group took a continent and spent the week researching, exploring, experimenting with and being inspired by the culture of that continent. So many different and wonderful artistic techniques were touched upon, from Pointallism, to Collage, to Batik, to Sculpture, to Weaving. The children truly showcased their creativity, and it was amazing to see them so absorbed and engaged with expressing different cultures.
EYFS - Antarctica
The Reception children worked together to use 'cold colours' to create this collaborative piece depicting an Antarctic landscape.
Year 1 - Europe
Year 1 used Pointillism to create scenes of European landmarks, such as Mount Etna.
Year 2 - South America
Year 2 used yarn to create traditional Huichol artwork, depicting animals from the Amazon rainforest.
Year 3 - Asia
Year 3 used traditional Indonesian techniques using wax and ink to create Batik pieces.
Year 4 - North America
Inspired by Alma Thomas, the first African American artist to be displayed in the White House, Year 4 created a collaborative piece exploring colour and texture.
Year 5 - Africa
Year 5 sculpted masks using Modroc and decorated them using traditional West African patterns.
Year 6 - Oceania
Year 6 used traditional Aboriginal techniques to create Australian scenes on canvas.
Artist Visit
During Arts Week we were very lucky to have some local artists come into school and talk to us about their work. The children loved listening to the professionals talk about what had inspired them in their career, their choice of medium/style and looking at their pieces. All three artists were members of the community of Newick and it was wonderful to see the children have the opportunity to see Art as a career, and something so inspirational. Thank you for giving up your time!
Artist Visit
Anti-Bullying Week
We were lucky enough to welcome John Khan during Anti-Bullying week to inspire our Year 4 and Year 5 pupils in some graffiti style art, with an anti-bullying message. First, the children planned their pieces on paper, and then they were given the opportunity to use graffiti paint pens to bring their ideas to life on canvas. The children loved exploring the very different style of art, and we were very proud of the kindness and creativity that the children showed.
Anti Bullying Week