Newick Church of England Primary School

'Life in all its fullness' John 10:10


Curriculum Aims

Wisdom - Our children will have the knowledge, skills and vocabulary that show how music is created, produced and communicated.

Independence - Our children will develop a love of music and explore their talents as musicians.

Creativity - Through music, our children will be able to critically engage with music. The opportunities provided will increase engagement, inspire children and allow children to progress to the next level of musical excellence.

Kindness - Our children will understand music across a range of historical periods, genres, cultures, styles and traditions including the works of great composers and musicians.

Useful Downloads 

'The sheer joy of music making can feed the soul of a school 

community, enriching each student while strengthening the

shared bonds of support and trust which make a great school.' 

The Model Music Curriculum 2021


Music is an integral part of life at Newick where lessons are fun and engaging. Our pupils are given the chance to move their bodies, learn songs, reflect on and appreciate Music. During Music lessons, our children will be given opportunities to learn Music specific vocabulary in a meaningful context. All of our children will be given the chance to apply skill and given chance to collaborate through singing, listening, composing, improvising and performing. 


Consistency: EY and Key Stage 1 through to Key Stage 2

Music is planned with cross-curricular links where possible with Music Express being used to supplement and provide extra support and resources to enhance music teaching. The essence of Music Express is to create a topic-based, cross-curricular approach to support children's learning in music and across other subjects through music. A steady progression plan has been built into Music Express, both within each year and from one year to the next, ensuring consistent musical development. In Early Years, alongside the use of Music Express, Music is incorporated in a wide range of activities relating to the following areas of learning: Communication and Language, Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design.


  • Year 3 - Ukulele lessons 

This year, Our Year 3 class will be the first to have whole class ensemble teaching of the Ukulele. The lessons will be lead by Create Music, our local Music hub who are very  supportive in cultivating a love of Music in our young people. To ensure children in Year 3 also get to develop their composition, listening and improvising skills, they also take part in some Music Express lessons.  



Music Appreciation 

 Following the 2021 Model Music Curriculum and the National Plan for Music Education, at Newick we ensure all of our children gain a broad aural knowledge of Western Classical Music, Popular Music (defined broadly) and Traditional Music from around the world. Children are exposed to a broad range of carefully selected Music in assemblies and along side History and Geography topics. At Newick we also love to meet as a whole school for singing assemblies and sing a variety of seasonal, popular and meaningful hymns and songs together with piano accompaniment. Our young musicians also regularly perform in assemblies and services celebrating their progress and recruiting budding new musicians!


Clubs and enrichment

 Newick proudly offers a variety of Musical Clubs and private lessons through Create Music (ESMS) including Keyboard, Recorder, Saxaphone, Guitar and Cello. We also have an extraordinary school choir. We also have a growing orchestra in KS2.

Some of our pupils receive fully funded 1:1 Music tuition in order to support all children reaching their  potential.

To increase the variety of our Music offer here at Newick, we have also secured lessons for our pupils with the Red Butler Music School. Teachers specialise in Ukulele and Drums.  To books lessons visit or email the Newick School office for Red Butler Music School lessons. If you are in receipt of pupil premium, please do get in touch! 

Whenever possible, we connect with Glyndebourne giving pupils the experience of singing on stage with other schools at this wonderful setting. 


Create Music is the region’s leading provider of high-quality, inclusive music and arts education together with performance opportunities in the South East. Taster sessions give your child the opportunity to play well-known tunes with other like-minded musicians without committing to the term.

For more information, click the link below.  



Whether you're a teacher, parent or just a big music fan, follow the link and watch and listen to the clips for clues and see whether you can prove yourself a musical maestro:







